The movie The Kids Are All Right brought sperm donation into the mainstream. A lesbian couple, played by Annette Bening and Juliette Moore, conceived their two children through a sperm donor, played by Mark Ruffalo. Annette Bening was even nominated for an academy award for best actress and Mark Ruffalo for best supporting actor. When the previously anonymous sperm donor dad arrived to meet the kids, Juliette Moore’s character favored the rendezvous and began an affair with the sperm donor. Annette Bening’s character was against the meeting from the start, and I identified with her. I did not want my future baby to meet its egg donor. I was not afraid that my husband would embark on a steamy affair with the donor. I also did not think that the donor would turn out to be a sociopath boiling a rabbit in a pot as in the movie Fatal Attraction. But I did want my baby all to myself and did not want to compete with its biological egg donor mother.
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