ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year Award Photo

This weekend I flew to the ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year Awards ceremony in L.A. to see if I would win a book award.  I was a finalist in the category of Women’s Issues.  I had to wait a long time until they got to the “W’s.”  Then the large screen flashed the “honorable mention book.” Afterwards came the bronze book and the silver book.  None of them were mine.  I was giving up on winning and thinking well at least I was a finalist, and I used frequent flyer points to get here from New York so I didn’t spend a fortune.  Then the title Grade A Baby Eggs appeared as the gold medal, first place winner!  One of the presenters was looking at me to see my shocked expression.  I gave her the thumbs up sign.  I was on a lucky streak because I also won the raffle for free book advertising with ForeWord Reviews. Afterwards I celebrated with a peach Margarita by the pool.  The June selection for my book club, 50 Shades of Grey, kept me awake the whole plane ride home.










Grade A Baby Eggs is a finalist in the ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year Awards in the category of women’s issues!  The only thing I ever won was the supermarket color in the Easter Bunny contest when I was 8.  I outlined my coloring book bunny first with black crayon and then turned the other crayons sideways to color within the lines.  My prize was a paint by number set.  Now that I have finally won something again, I am going to the awards ceremony to see if I win.  The winners will be announced at the American Library Association conference in L.A.  I will use my remaining frequent flyer miles to get there from New York and then keep my fingers crossed.